Identification and Patient Introduction
Introduce Yourself: State your name and role clearly.
Verify Patient Identity: Confirm the patient's full name and date of birth.
Consent: Explain the procedure and gain informed consent if possible, considering the urgency.
Indications for Intubation
Failure to maintain/protect airway.
Failure to oxygenate or ventilate.
Anticipated clinical course deterioration.
Complications and Risk Disclosure
Trauma Risks:
Oral, nasal, or pharyngeal injuries.
Fractured teeth.
Tracheal or esophageal damage from excessive stylet or force.
Physiological Risks:
Hypoxia during prolonged attempts.
Aspiration of gastric contents.
Cardiovascular instability.
Near-death scenarios where intubation is non-beneficial.
Difficult airway assessment:
L: Look externally for predictors (facial trauma, small mouth).
E: Evaluate 3-3-2 rule (mouth opening, thyromental distance).
M: Mallampati score.
O: Obstruction or obesity.
N: Neck mobility limitations.
Steps of RSI ("7 Ps")
Ensure suction, oxygen, airway equipment, pharmacology, and monitoring devices are ready.
Check laryngoscope (Macintosh/Miller), endotracheal tubes (ETT 7.0-8.0 mm), syringes, and backups (e.g., video laryngoscope).
100% oxygen for 3 minutes or 8 deep breaths with high-flow O2.
Consider bag-mask ventilation if SpO2 < 90%.
Lidocaine: 1.5-2 mg/kg (blunts cough reflex).
Fentanyl: 2-3 mcg/kg (reduces sympathetic response).
Atropine: 0.01 mg/kg in pediatric cases.
Defasciculating agent for succinylcholine use.
Paralysis and Induction:
Sedative: Etomidate (0.3 mg/kg), Ketamine (1-2 mg/kg), or Propofol (2 mg/kg).
Neuromuscular blocker: Succinylcholine (1.5 mg/kg) or Rocuronium (1.2 mg/kg).
Sniffing position for standard cases.
RAMP position for obese patients.
Crossed-finger technique for mouth opening.
Insert laryngoscope, visualize glottis, and advance ETT 3-4 cm past vocal cords.
Confirm placement with capnography (EtCO2), bilateral chest auscultation, and chest rise.
Postintubation Management:
Inflate cuff, secure ETT, confirm placement with imaging (CXR).
Initiate ventilation settings and monitor continuously.
Post-Procedure Management
Secure Tube:
Confirm tube depth (e.g., 21-24 cm at the lips).
Secure with tape or commercial holder.
Continuous pulse oximetry and EtCO2.
Regular chest auscultation.
Record medications, doses, time of intubation, and complications.
Checklist Summary
This checklist ensures adherence to protocols and structured documentation of the RSI process. Modify per institutional guidelines and patient-specific conditions for the best outcomes.